Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Staff of TU Intramurals

The Tiffin University Intramurals program is headed by Darby Roggow who is a professor and head coach for the men's and women's golf teams here at Tiffin University. Although Darby Roggow is in overall control of the program, he has very little to do with the actual running of intramurals. The person who actual deals with intramurals in more detail is Gregory Dunn who is the graduate assistant for Club and Recreation Sports. Intramurals is one duty that is typically given to the graduate assistant of Club and Recreation Sports. Below the graduate assistant are the employees. These position typically are filled by undergraduate students and consist of refereeing the competitions. On the day that intramurals actually takes place, the student employees, referees, have most of the control other than explaining the rules and assigning who plays who. The graduate assistant and director of club and recreation sports usually sit back and let the students be students unless an emergency occurs or they are absolutely needed. The referees tend to do this job for the enjoyment rather than the pay since the pay is not the significant but the benefits from a job like this could be rewarding in the end.

So you may wonder how does one come across these positions. In order to get the graduate assistant position, one must first complete undergrad, then apply for graduate school and the position. It is helpful if the applicant has some knowledge in the field that the graduate assistant position is in. In order to be hired as a referee, it is essential to make some connections with the director and graduate assistant of club and recreation sports. These two will make sure that you go through the right channels to be considered for the positions. The number of spots open varies per year and those who receive the job typically do not hold any other position on campus. These are just some tips to getting that intramurals position that is highly demanded on campus.

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