Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Intramurals Coming to an End

As we near the end of the school year, the Tiffin University Intramurals program is coming to an end. Unfortunately, the end of the year special of Mat Ball did not have a big a turn out as expected. Their were a good amount of teams that initially signed up and participated but as the mat ball season reached the end of the school year, less and less teams showed up. In the eyes of spectators, not many showed up from the beginning. As the program went on, less spectators showed up as well. One can assume a number of things to why this occurred. It could be the fact that finals were approaching. It could be that there were other conflicts such as student government events and organization events. It could also be that it was not entertaining enough for students. In the end, I would not call this a complete failure, but I would consider this a lose. I believe that the Intramural team should evaluate this years mat ball and try to change it up next year before calling it quits all together. Possibly move it to another time of year, change up the rules, or change the atmosphere. Any of these suggestions could work along with many others. The intramural program should take this experience and implement it into next years plan.

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